
Basic course is designated for two people maximum,
and takes 7 – 8 hours.
It provides participants with a plenty of information about coffee plant, as well as information about growing and processing of coffee beans.
Participants will also have an opportunity to taste cascar (coffee cherry tea).
We will discuss coffee roasting,
go through several alternative methods of coffee brewing, and have a taste comparison session.
I will explain how different water temperature,
coffee grinds, etc. affects the coffee.
You will also teach you about the importance of water composition during coffee brewing.
We will take a look at the differences
between specialty coffee and commodity coffee,
and I will also advise you what you should better not drink.
I will teach you how to fine-tune details of espresso by its taste, when it is over- and under-extracted,
I will help you take fear out of coffee grinding, teach you how to distribute coffee in lever,
we will go through correct and ergonomic tamping,
correct naming conventions of espresso-based drinks,
as well as many other topics.
Following hours will be dedicated to hands-on
session where you can choose whether
you want to draw hearts and rosettes around 50-times,
or you would rather fine-tune details of espresso.
IT’S UP TO YOU!* The final half an hour of the course will be focused on cleaning and maintenance of coffee machine and grinder.* I will provide you with both notes and certificate.
Brew it better course is dedicated to
alternative methods of coffee brewing.
It is an advanced course of alternative coffee brewing.
I will teach you how to prepare coffee professionally
using multiple methods. You will be intrigued by all the factors that affect the taste of coffee.
The results will be visible right away: be it at home, or at work.
Maximum attendance is 4 people, and course provides
6 – 7 hours of interesting content and tasting.


External course is a perfect way to step up you business.
The coffee machine and grinders will be provided with care they deserve, and your staff will be motivated to achieve the best possible results.
Guidance is primarily designated for cafes before first opening.
You can leave the choice of coffee machine, grinder, water filter and accessories up to me without any hesitation.
We will taste coffees from around the world,
and you will pick the one that you find most suitable for your cafe.
You can choose a service package
that will suit your needs the best.

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